Rejected Projects

Youth in Policymaking

Year: 2013

Organisation: Humanitarian and Charitable Roma Association “Mesecina” Gostivar

Title: Youth in Policymaking

Location: Macedonia, group of municipalities

Description: The Youth in Policy Making project will aim to improve relations between young people of secondary school age in Gostivar. This project also specifically focuses on learning about the cultures of youth from different ethnic communities as a result of coexistence in multiethnic communities. The planned activities aim to spread the positive spirit of cooperation between communities, promoting culture traditions and values of different communities, as well as promoting involvement in local policy development. This project is expected to change the awareness of local institutions that young people can and should participate in public Polic closely associated with them.

Funding: Balkan Civil Society Development Network (BCSDN)

Budget: 5.000

Submit an idea


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