Year: 2013
Organisation: Nongovernmental organization “KHAM” Delchevo
Title: Roma NGO Network - Roma community's voice
Location: Republic of Macedonia
Description: Overall objective: O1 – Contribution towards strengthening the Roma civil society impact in Republic of Macedonia for influence on the policy at local and national level, for promotion of sustainable development, social inclusion and improvement of livelihood security. Specific objective: SO 1 – Providing the voice of the Roma community through civil society organizations as a service in creating the public policy for integration of Roma in Republic of Macedonia. SO 2 – Strengthening the capacity of the Roma NGOs network for participation and influence as an active partner in making and implementation of public policies targeting to Roma at national and local level. SO 3 - Establish mechanisms for consultation of Roma NGOs for social dialogue and participation in monitoring and evaluation of the Strategy for Roma and other public policies targeting Roma and contribute to the EU integration of Macedonia.
Funding: EUROPEAN COMMISSION; The Delegation of the European Union to the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; IPA CIVIL SOCIETY FACILITY (CSF) Programme; 2012-2013; CSF: Support to Country Thematic partnerships & networks for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)
Budget: 187.737
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