: Employment of Roma Women through the Creation of a Social Enterprise
: I love Macedonia, too
: Advisory-education center for health services
: Advocating and promoting successful implementation of the Decade of Roma Inclusion
: All equal even different
: All Problems Have Solutions
: Challenges of sub-standard living and opportunities for improvement of life of Roma in Gostivar
: Citizens equality through the promotion of human rights
: Creation of a coalition for labour market integration of women from rural and remote areas
: Cross-border Economic, Social and Environmental Partnership
: Culture to culture, people to people
: Days of multiculturalism and tolerance in the municipality of Suto Orizari
: Days of Roma culture
: Development of the Roma education
: Discrimination does not live here
: Educated Roma, way to secure future
: Education - Key for better future of Roma parents and pupils
: Education for better future
: Empowerment of Roma Women Economic Rights in Republic of Macedonia
: Enhance Roma women’s participation in the labour market
: Enhance Working Conditions and Increase the Generation of Income for Roma through Recycling Activities
: Equal Rights for All
: Fight against discrimination against young Roma
: Fostering Social and Economic Empowerment of Roma (FSEER)
: Friend, learn and invest in our common future!
: From generated data to better results in education of Roma in Vinica
: Girls Leading Our World (GLOW) Летен камп за девојки
: GLOW camp for girls
: Good practices and experience sharing in order to support Roma Women Entrepreneurs in Macedonia
: Holocaust Survivors - Humanitarian and Social Programmes
: Human rights and social inclusion of the Roma without legal document papers with special emphasis of the Roma women, children and youth and living in rural and sub urban areas
: I have the right to education equally as others!
: Improvement of the health education level among Roma through introduction of prevention and educative programs
: Improving job skills of unemployed Roma in municipality of Suto Orizari
: Inclusion of Members of Ethnic Minority Communities in their Process of Making Policy
: Increasing the Roma women employment
: Learning Together
: Lets build safe future together
: Lets get to know each other
: Living to Learn Inside Roma Environment
: Local action plan for social protection for Roma women and single mothers
: Making Human rights possible for the Roma children with disabilities
: Monitoring of the implementation of the Roma Decade at Local Municipality Level in Republic of Macedonia
: Motivating Roma Women and Youth to Vote Freely upon own Decision at Local Elections
: Multi-ethnic Center of Students from Kumanovo
: Mutual etnic understanding
: My first real job
: My Voice My Choice
: One-stop-shop Reintegration Centre
: Pink is Our Color
: Prevent Prior to Cureor Solidarity Among Roma Women
: Promoting Human Rights Protection for Roma in Macedonia
: Promoting Inclusion of Roma in Education
: Promotion for raising awareness of 20 employers annually for employment of Roma citizens
: Prosperity and harmony of the Roma community in the Municipality of Gostivar
: Public and Political participation of Roma women
: Public Participation in Environmental Decision Making
: Raising awareness and reduced discrimination against Roma women from municipality of Kumanovo
: Raising awareness regarding early marriages among Roma
: Reconstruction of the Center of Culture
: Reducing Discrimination of Roma in the Republic of Macedonia
: Regional traditional food fair-Pijanec and Males - then and now
: Reintegration and re socialization of the Roma migrants
: Research and data base on Roma unemployment
: Restricted opportunities, choice or imposition
: Roma - 11 Years after the Implementation of the Ohrid Framework Agreement
: Roma 4 Work
: Roma Children Have Equal Right on Healthy Childhood
: Roma Children's Music Festival
: Roma Community Urban Board
: Roma community voices
: Roma culture and tradition - part of the Macedonian wealth
: Roma fest 2013
: Roma Green Enternpreneurship
: Roma Inclusion in the Labour Market with Emphasis of the Roma Women
: Roma people – Our Neighbours
: Roma Women in Action
: Roma Women in Macedonian public and political life
: ROMA Women in the Decision - Making ROMA Initiative Bodies- MRIB
: Roma Youth and Women in Mobility and Discrimination Prevention
: Same in different way
: Social inclusion of Roma woman at local Municipality level and policies for Regional development
: Solutions for Social Inclusion and Employment of the Roma disadvantaged individuals in particular Roma women in Municipality of Prilep
: Step forward to Promote Interethnic Relation and Tolerance
: Step towards togetherness
: Strengthening and Sustainability of the Recycling Education Union
: Strengthening the capacity of Roma NGOs Bregalnica region
: Strengthening the capacity of Roma organszations for youth activism and volunteering
: Strengthening the CSO-Managed Legal Aid Offices for Protection of Roma Rights in Macedonia
: Successful Step towards the Future
: Tackling Social Issues Through Social Entrepreneurship – Strengthening the Financial Capacities of CSOs
: Take a journey, visit, learn - Come Back! Do not look for asylum!
: Team spirit always win
: The contribution of Roma in the construction of contemporary Macedonian society
: The disease affects all - Examine today!!!!
: The woman is for home
: Think the other way, get to know the other
: Through information to employment
: To Mutual Tolerance through introduction and Education
: Together we guide the youth in the future of healthy lifestyles
: Towards Roma Inclusion: Employment - Closing the gap
: Training, prequalification of seven Roma citizens from Rankovce until end of 2012
: Voice of youth, the way to democracy
: Waste Ambassadors – An innovative model for Social Inclusion and Employment of the Roma disadvantaged individuals in particular Roma women in Municipality of Bitola collectors of the plastic bottles
: Work locally develop globally –but green!
: Young Roma people on the road to employment
: Youth in Policymaking
: Youth Roma activists
: Ромската традицијa и култура дел од богатството на Република Македонија
: “Proud to be Roma women – encourage self - employment”
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