Year: 2013
Organisation: Roma cultural and education centre "Ternipe MK"
Title: My Voice My Choice
Location: Macedonia, group of municipalities
Description: The project will contribute towards: Animation of the Roma community for their active inclusion in the democratic and the election proceses for 30%, in four towns in the East region Stip, Kocani, Vinica and Delcevo; Increasing the number of Roma which are not evidented in the Voting List for 20%; Increased knowledge for human rights and the right for choice in the Roma community and other minorities which leve in the east region. Withe the realization of the activities of the project "My voice My Choice", the local capacities for fear and transparent election proceses will be increased;the worhshops will contribute educationaly on the Roma population and the missused of the Roma voters, and the public awareness to the Roma voters for fear and transparent elections will be incresed.
Funding: FOOM - USAID - Civil Society
Budget: 15.832,00
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