Three Roma Projects selected from the Roma Community

The three pilot municipalities in which three projects in total will be selected and conduct are Debar, Kumanovo and Shuto Orizari, and they were previously chosen from the Roma communities. These projects are focused on resolving at least one problem and that they will serve as an example for visible effects/benefits for this community.

tri proekti selektirani od romskata zaednica

In the selection process, Roma community made decision for reconstruction on the roof of the school ,,Said Najdeni” in Municipality Debar, in which the Roma children attend. The choice in Municipality Shuto Orizari was made for creating a study which will show appraisal of the problems and the needs of the Municipality. Municipality will use this study as base for preparation of projects and applying for funds from other donors. The selection process in Municipality Kumanovo is still ongoing. The project should be conducted by the end of August this year.

The specific task of this project is to establish sustainable dialog on local level between the Municipality administration and Roma community. Implementation of the projects will be test for the proposed access which will give the Roma community improving of the living conditions and the Municipality administration will gain practical solution of one problem in these three pilot municipalities.

The project is part of the initiative “Making the most of EU funds for Roma”, supported by Open Society Foundations and conducted by MCIC with partnership with InSoC.


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