Year: 2015
Organisation: Mesecina-Debar
Title: Institutional Transformation
Location: local
Description: The project seeks to support the establishment, officially registration and initial organizational development of the branch office of Mesecina Debar into an independent, non-profit, non-governmental organization: Expert support will be provided to prepare all establishment acts, including the organizational statute. Participatory strategy planning process is expected to result in the organizational Strategic Plan 2016-2020. New young and educated activists will be incorporated into the organization, including its leadership. Initial project cycle management training will be provided. It is expected that this will improve the new organization’s capacity to engage in development and advocacy work at the level of the Municipality of Debar, organizing and speaking out on behalf of the over 1,000 Roma community.
Apply to: OSI-RIO
Budget: EUR 18,000.00
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