Rejected Projects

This time, I will decide! – Women in Action

Year: 2015

Organisation: Union - National Council for Gender Equality

Title: This time, I will decide! – Women in Action

Location: national

Description: This project aims to increase the awareness and capacity of the minority women to be able to work in partnership with the institutions on further creation and development on national and local policies and legislation related to gender and minority rights in Macedonia. Activities are towards strengthening the capacity of CSOs and sub-granting of 30 local CSOs which deals with the above mentioned issues; building the capacity of minority women who are in order to raise minority and gender issues on the top of the agenda of their political parties; assessing situation and pushing the legislative and policy changes by female activists from minority groups.

Apply to: IPA - CSF and media programme 2014

Budget: EUR 280.000,00

Submit an idea


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