Rejected Projects

ROMA Women in the Decision - Making ROMA Initiative Bodies- MRIB

Year: 2014

Organisation: Roma Community Center DROM

Title: ROMA Women in the Decision - Making ROMA Initiative Bodies- MRIB

Location: Republic of Macedonia

Description: "Roma Community Centre DROM will implement project with the aim to stimulate and support the participation of the ROMA women from the rural areas in the decision making processes trough local initiatives in the municipalities of Kumanovo, Shuto Orizari (Skopje), and Tetovo. The project goal is to stimulate and support the participation of the ROMA women from the rural areas in the decision making processes trough local initiatives. Specific objectives: A. Increasing awareness of the role of the ROMA woman in policy-making B.Linking ROMAwomen groups and local policy-makers C.Building capacities of the ROMA women groups who can act on the Local level in Kumanovo, Tetovo and Skopje (Shuto Orizare). This specific objective refers to a capability of the local ROMA women groups to be able to cope with the responsibilities that involvement in local policy making requires, having in mind they will be expected to be a strong partner in the preparation, decision making and implementation of local policies in the three manicipalities. "

Apply to: U.S. Embassy

Budget: 16.500,00 EUR

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