Rejected Projects

Enhance Roma women’s participation in the labour market

Year: 2013

Organisation: Macedonian Enterprise Development Foundation

Title: Enhance Roma women’s participation in the labour market

Location: Macedonia

Description: Integration of Roma women remains one of the major obstacles for inclusive labour market in the country. According to the data from the State Statistical Office, the unemployment rate is 28,8% on national level and among the highest in the region. 38, 5% of the unemployed persons are women.According to the latest EU Progress report 2013, “little improvement in the situation of Roma women can be seen. Discriminatory traditions and stereotypes remain”. According to the EU Spring Progress Report 2013, there has been increase in budget allocated for implementation of the strategy on social inclusion of Roma population, still “most of the allocated funds are not for cultural, health and social welfare activities and financial allocations for active labour programmes remain low”. The implementation of the operational plans for Roma social inclusion is slow. There is a need of additional activities for integration of the Roma population. Furthermore, decreasing unemployment of women remains one of the major challenges determined in the policies for employment in the National Strategy for Employment of Republic of Macedonia – 2015. Discrimination, tradition and stereotypes regarding women rights and gender equality are common and as a result there are “under-represented” in the labour market. Thus, Roma women are facing double discrimination of being women and an ethnic minority members.

Funding: IPA- Human Resource Development

Budget: 179.272,00

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