Rejected Projects

Roma Ledger

Year: 2013

Organisation: Humanitarian and Charitable Association of Roma “Mesecina” - Gostivar

Title: Roma Ledger

Location: Republic of Macedonia

Description: Advocacy and lobbying through networking and creating a common platform Roma civil society

Activities: 1. Activities for networking and creating Roma Civic Platform. 1.1. Initial meeting platform for the selection of governing bodies and structure. 1.2. coordination meetings 1.3. Workshop on preparation of strategic documents and work program for the first year 2. Activities for active citizen participation. 2.1. Workshops (8) to strengthen the capacity of activists to observe the work of institutions 2.2. Meetings with representatives of various institutions and stakeholders at local and national level. 3.  Advocacy activities for integration of Roma. 3.1. Implementation of 10 public forums – state accountability for implementation of the integration of Roma in the Republic of Macedonia 2005 - 2013 Programme. 3.2. National Conference – State accountability for implementation of the integration of Roma in Macedonia 2005 - 2013

Funding: FOOM - USAID

Budget: 32.300 USD

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