Rejected Projects

Promotion of Roma right to work

Year: 2013

Organisation: Roma Business Information Centre in Macedonia

Title: Promotion of Roma right to work

Location: Skopje, Tetovo, Bitola, Delcevo, Kocani, Stip and other regions in the country with significant Roma population

Description: promotion and protection of the right to work of Roma population

Activities: "Identifying the legal situation of Roma; Creating public campaigns and communication strategies, presentations, promotions and round tables for raising the awareness on the right to work among Roma; Drafting and publicizing rulebook presenting the legal imperatives for the right to work; Recording video commercial for the consequences from (not) respecting the right to work of Roma. Analyzing the legal framework that protects the fundamental rights and freedoms of minorities, focused on the right to work and their imperatives; Detecting problems and needs during the exercise of the right to work; Conducting trainings for introducing the rights to work and mechanisms for their protection; Establishing Center for free legal assistance to the rights to work of Roma;

Funding: European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR)

Budget: 90,000.00 EUR

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