Year: 2013
Organisation: Humanitarian and Charitable Roma Association “Mesecina” – Gostivar
Location: Municipalities of Gostivar, Prilep, Shuto Orizari and Stip
Description: Human rights and freedoms of Roma in Republic of Macedonia
Activities: -Organizing panel discussions-debates with representatives of the Roma (and other minorities under 20%) -Promotional activities for Roma (and other minorities under 20%) -Establishing Local groups to promote prevention and protection of human rights and discrimination -Organizing training for the members of Local groupsPublishing Survey (with case-studies) on theme connected with People without personal documents -Preparation of Policy paper – “Persons without documented excluded from the society""; -Working meetings with official representatives from relevant Local and State institutions for promotion the Policy paper - Organizing National conference: Challenges for solving the issue of the persons without personal documents and citizenship
Funding: European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR)
Budget: 100.000 EUR
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