Rejected Projects

Unleashing Roma business potential in the cross-border area

Year: 2012

Organisation: Humanitarian and Charitable Association of Roma Mesečina - Gostivar in partnership with Multikultura

Title: Unleashing Roma business potential in the cross-border area

Location: Kriva Palanka

Description: Economic Development

Activities: Selection of Roma entrepreneurs in the cross-border area; Training on management and business skills for Roma entrepreneurs in the cross-border area; Business mentoring of Roma entrepreneurs in the cross-border area; Study on business opportunities for Roma in the cross-border area; Establishment of cross-border Roma business platform; Production of policy briefs on Roma labour and self-employment in MK and AL; Organization of cross-border conference on Roma entrepreneurship in the cross-border area; Media campaign for Roma successful role-models in Macedonia and Albania; Web portal on Roma businesses and entrepreneurs in the cross-border area.

Funding: EU IPA Cross-Border Programme

Budget: 126.154 €

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